Pet Nutrition Consultations & Recipe Formulation

for Dogs and Cats

When I take on a client and look to either choose a food or formulate a recipe for their pet I go through two main steps. First is I break down what their pet’s nutritional needs are based on the age/life-stage, activity level, and diet/medical history. Then I overlay that with more practical aspects of diet choice such as lifestyle, behavioral management, and budget. From there we discuss diet options that fit those needs be that a homemade diet, kibble, canned, premade fresh food, or a combination.

I’m a busy single-mom of twin boys, two senior dogs, who is currently going to graduate school while I run my own business – trust me when I say – my intention is to create a meal plan that works for your pet, your goals, and your life – not someone else’s


  • A 30 minute consultation answering any questions you have about your pet’s diet, including caloric needs, macronutrient needs, feedback/review of premade/commercial recipes. Best for healthy pets with simple meal plan (single diet fed), or as a follow-up to a previous conversation.

  • A 30-45 minute consultation over the phone or google-meet. This option includes written detailed notes and suggestions for your pet’s diet. Recommended for pets with allergies, gastrointestinal issues, weight loss, or those with known medical conditions.
    But also helpful for those looking to combo-feed or have complicated meal plans (more than one diet fed).

  • Homemade complete and balanced pet food formulation. All healthy pet recipes are formulated to be balanced to AAFCO and the NRC. For therapeutic recipes outside AAFCO nutrient profiles veterinarian review is required prior to recipe release (eg kidney disease, copper storage disease), and referral is required for other diseases - eg gastrointestinal disease, allergies, pancreatitis, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, cancer, heart disease.

  • I currently offer three different “packages” of services for those looking to feed a homemade diet to their dog depending on their pet’s needs and how much support they believe they will need.

Let’s work together:

Please start by filling out the form below. Typically I will email you within 24-48 hours of submission with additional paperwork to fill out, and to schedule the appointment. Payment is due via Paypal Invoice in order to reserve your appointment. *Note that I do require a veterinarian referral for ALL pets with chronic medical conditions. If your pet has a medical condition I will send you a referral form to send to your vet before booking the appointment with me.
